New Post

You have 2 choices. Take the red pill and show the world your quirky personality. Take the blue pill and show the world something you feel is relevant and really worth sharing.

“When my friend list is populated by people from different parts of my life (in the case of a student, examples might be parents, sib- lings, real-time friends, more or less unknown classmates, teachers, etc.) any pretending I engage in to find a self-concept happens in 92 Tamara Wandel and Anthony Beavers Facebook and Philosophy 6  8/4/10  8:11 PM  Page 92 front of all of them.  I am thus no longer radically free to engage in creating a completely fictive self (Phil, 92-93).”

News Feed

Welcome to your newsfeed, an infinite list of useless and sometimes useful information.

Everything, right now! Such is the crazy catch-cry of hypermodern times, of this hypercentre of temporal compression where everything crashes together, telescoping endlessly under the fearful pressure of telecommunications into this ‘teleobjective’ proximity that has nothing concrete about it except its infection hysteria. (Virilio, 2007, p. 100)







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