
For my testimonial, I tried to assemble posts that fulfilled reasneon. The posts about rape were educational/informational because they gave accounts of rape and instances of rape. The posts were shocking and demonstrated punctum because they elicited emotion and shock from the readers. For many of my posts, the sources of punctum were the comments/reactions from the public regarding rape and rape culture. Personally, when I read the different accounts of rape, or rape stories, I was especially impacted and shocked by public commentary. Rape culture persists and continues to thrive because of individuals and because of the beliefs of individuals. What better way to exemplify that then to post their anti-rape culture comments on rape stories. I also found it shocking that so many people referred to the issue of rape culture, as a “feminist movement.” That “feminists” were being extreme and too emotional. The accounts and comments are the most effective in demonstrating rape culture.

When thinking about rape culture, and why rape culture exists it is important to look at individuals as well as what the collective culture is saying about rape. In order to end rape culture, I feel that conversation is essential. Often times, rape, ACTUAL rape-not rape joke (which is another problem) is taboo. People feel uncomfortable talking about rape. Therefore it is important to establish some form of communication so that conversations around rape can happen. Currently this is happening through social media. Every time there is a rape story in the media, social media blows up. https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=uva+rape&s=typd&x=0&y=0 However, these conversations are not constructive because they never result in an individual changing their views. They are effective in perpetuating whichever view they feel strongly about. However, I feel that a more open and direct form of communication would serve as a better platform to talk about rape and rape culture.

Second, it is important to educate the public about rape and rape culture. People need to witness the disaster of rape and rape culture by understanding the sacrifice of women and women’s bodies that are constantly being sacrificed in rape culture. What is the overarching value within rape culture? why does it continue to persist? These questions can only be addressed through educating people about rape culture.

Finally, it is imperative to avoid clicktivism. Just because one views or likes a page, video, or image advocating against rape culture, doesn’t mean rape culture is ending. The MEmorial, or campaign or event, or education must effectively change the views and ideas of the individual. The individual must be sincerely effected emotionally to truly be against rape culture. This can be accomplished through reasaneon.

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