Project 1 Final

Network Experience

Through my project, I hope to simulate and therefore demonstrate my experience of the internet (specifically facebook but also twitter). Each page allows the user/viewer to interact and decide (although limited) what and where they would like to go next. This mirrors my own personal experience with technology. Although I follow one link/post/picture etc. I’m often taken back the same space or back to my newsfeed. However, stories can often lead me to do additional research. When news is happening in real time through my facebook feed, I inquire online to learn more.

My project incorporates different mediums of the internet, including video, image, meme etc. This demonstrates the new literacy that all users (including myself) have of the internet.

“means that they have read widely enough to reference texts, to put them in a conceptual framework. They are capable of creating an overview. This kind of literacy exists in the musical arena, too.

The more you have heard, the easier it is to find links and to recognize quotations. To specialize in either music or literature you need months, years of reading or listening to music.” (2004b, p. 57)

However, rather than drowning out my own personal voice through the use of different mediums, I am enhancing and communicating through media language. I am creating a rhapsody in order to convey emotions, thoughts, opinions, etc. that my community can relate and identify with.

Lastly, the community aspect I brought into my project pertained to the Aurora movie theatre shooting in 2012. As someone born and raised in Aurora the event was something very relevant to my community. Through social media, the Aurora community was able to see, learn, discuss, and mourn the event. Although the event became national news, social media was able to connect community members on a brand new level. The amount of support, organization, and empathy provided by the community was largely due to social media, and the community that already existed and formed as a result.

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